Saturday, 31 July 2010


Sleep found me doubting tiredness
As sheets peeled from the bed’s flesh
And pillows creased and caught my ears in their pleats.
The duvet moved within its given mitten
And smothered any available space
As I was flattened on the rack of the fretful mattress.

The frame cracked and echoed back
As stars and moon flew past draped glass
And time’s hands clapped upon their face repeatedly.
The heat of the previous day prevailed
Within reserve tanks clamped to damp walls
And sweat bred more sauce to coat my forehead with.

My ribs strained to contain agitation,
And on my back I lacked an eye lid lock,
Whilst lolling on all sides I wished for more dimensions.
What strength I had I willed away
But watchful clocks compelled it on;
Ordering another look when just about to fall.

Darkness slowly sparked new tinder,
Flickering in alcoves as old shadows crept,
Then spreading to the level planes surrounding them.
My eyes were heavier than their clothes
But as the day emerged they wore more cloth
And I thought how pleasant was this season’s business,

And just when finding conveyor belts
I remembered calls I had to make to you,
Who lovingly exists in yesterday’s westward lee,
So I plucked the phone and picked a tone
And called to wish you sweet goodnights,
And drifted off to slumber on the wonder of your voice.

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