Thursday, 16 September 2010


Follow me and I will elevate the very earth that greets us,
Carving stairs of softest cloth into its varied face,
Laying over them a colour scheme to match your palette’s
Finger printed breeding, and once your first foot fall
Connects you’ll crave the next step upwards to investigate
What waits above.

Atop the rise I’ll reproduce your favourite trail and skyline,
Gladed at first sight by saplings sprung from summer’s finest roots,
Then further buttoned in a thicker woodland’s suit;
Warping overhead to wrap the hatless in the vines and finery
Of this environment’s commitment to a future decorated
By its dominant attendance.

And from it we’ll emerge, hands linked in finger chains,
Into a vale whose tears have collected in a river bed
And swept all sorrow’s sediments from off your face;
Replacing what was lost within your lifetime with a wash
That waits to cleanse you deeper than the features that
Have come to crease you.

Here we will swim a while and feast a time on fortune’s food;
Exchanging any hunger felt for younger selves with nourishment
Unknown when strength was ignorant of knowledge
And a reasoning unfeasible before, and on the tiny shoreline
Of this watercourse the sun will set a better dressing
Than it ever had adorned.

For you this world I’ll furnish with a never ending fomentation,
Lengthened by the look of pure surprise that greets you
Upon entering and in the morning venturing out further into
All that lies beyond the spring and flows unto the one true
Promised land that only honesty and all its kin could
Ever have envisioned.

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