Monday, 23 August 2010


Sleep fueled by the energy of day
Proved rueful
As my last
Conversation with you
Continued long after you left,
And when I woke
I found I was still talking things through.

I called you
And told you how much we’d said
That had remained unspoken,
And you mentioned maybe
I’d overstayed my welcome
The previous day
And should have rested earlier.

It could be I need to seed
Each segment with more integrity;
Maybe relax more,
Or impact more,
Or call for help when helplessness
Betters me
And a welcoming hello settle.

Maybe I expect too much
From the structure I’ve put in place
And should allow grace its favour;
Make dinner in a minute
And not when the clock says so,
And unwind when the time arrives
Instead of busting a gut to find it.

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