Wednesday, 18 August 2010


I went to the other side
Of these four walls
To see what all the fuss is about,
To discover where the action is;
What the buzz does on my day off,
As the baby’s with his family,
And all the meaningful people
Are either asleep or at work,
And I’ve become accustomed
To hustling after them
And can’t quite find the impetus
To keep amused without their presence.

Sure there are books and films
And tunes to be used for entertainment,
And I’ve caught a bit of sleep myself,
But my concentration can’t maintain
A duration these days,
And there appeared to be more
Options searching the breezy streets
For easier treats to distract me.

But upon a wander to explore
The corners of the compass’s hunting ground
I found just as little fizzing there
And returned home with a bag full
Of unwanted fare from the store,
And now sit with a cigarette
Penning the story of my morning
Wishing for my son’s return to spur me on
And my lover to rise and once again surprise me
With the richness they bring to my life.

1 comment:

  1. "The corners of the compass’s hunting ground"
